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Skincare Routine 2020

Mastering a skincare routine that suits your skin is an art. Trust me when I say that I have tried thousands of products over the years to treat my acne prone and dry skin - an horrendous combination. 2 years ago I suffered from very bad acne and it really knocked my self confidence, I wouldn’t leave the house without make up on (which only aggravated my skin more) as I felt embarrassed. If I did leave the house without any make up, I would try to hide as much of my face up by wearing scarfs or hoodies. So I know how having bad skin can make you feel. After being prescribed too many medicated creams that didn’t work I was finally put on the pill which eventually cleared up the majority of my acne. However from then onwards, I made it my mission to find a skincare routine that suited me.

My skin currently has been the clearest in years and I aim to keep it that way! So, I hope by sharing with you my skincare routine and what has helped my skin the most, can also help you with yours. I have both a morning, evening and then the once every few days routine, so I will give you the low down of all the products and how I use them.

Morning Routine:

When I wake up in the morning the first product I use is the Rodial Vitamin C brightening cleanser. I splash my face with water and apply a pea sized drop to my fingers and massage it into my skin then rinsing with cold water. Using the cold water not only wakes me up but doesn’t dry my skin out as much either.

I then use the Rodial Vitamin C Brightening cleansing pads. The pads are quite big so I tear one in half, to use half now and the other in the evening. This is an extra bonus as it means they last longer too! I swipe the pad around my face making sure it is all cleansed, let my skin dry slightly and then moisturise.

The moisturiser I am currently using is the Simple Replenishing rich moisturiser. This is such a great moisturiser for the price and it leaves my skin feeling super hydrated and smooth. It is also a great base moisturiser to use before applying makeup.

Every few days:

I also exfoliate my face a 1-2 times a week - usually when I remember to (oops). I exfoliate my skin as the first step in my morning routine, before the facial cleanser. This exfoliator is great because it is gentle on the skin but still leaves it feeling smooth and replenished.

Now, this next product has been an absolute skin saviour! I started using this during the first lockdown and stuck to a routine of using it twice a week after I had cleansed my face but before moisturiser. Honestly this cleared my skin up SO quickly and even now if I get any spots I will use this and it clears up my skin so much quicker. The only times I avoid using this product is when my skin is going through a dry patch as it just irritates it more with it being a strong exfoliant. Making sure my skin is cleansed and dry, I apply a thin layer to my skin and leave on for no more than 10 minutes as that is what is advised. I then use a flannel and lukewarm water to remove it, pat my skin dry and moisturise instantly. If you are to buy any product after reading this, it is this one!

Evening routine:

This routine varies based on whether I am removing my makeup or not but I shall give you a run through of what I do for both.

If I am removing my makeup I begin by using the No7 revitalising cleansing wipes. I have been using these to remove my makeup since day one. No others I have tried match these. I know a lot of people say that face wipes are the worst thing to remove makeup and that you should wash it off but for me washing it off causes me to break out and these don’t at all.

I will then use the Your Good Skin Active Treatment tonic to remove the rest of the makeup the wipe missed. I apply it to cotton pad and wipe it around my face until I feel all my makeup has been removed.

I then finish off with the Your Good Skin Pore Minimising Tonic, again applying it to a cotton pad and wiping it around my face.

If I am not removing my makeup I will got back to my Rodial Vitamin C Cleansing pads and use the other half from the morning and wipe that around my skin until it feels fully cleansed.

To finish both of these routines whether I have worn makeup of not, I will moisturise using the Simple Revitalising night cream. This is such a lovely consistency and keeps my skin hydrated through the night. It also fights premature ageing so what’s not to love?

I hope this has been interesting for you to read and potentially given you some products to incorporate in your own skincare routine. Remember to look after your skin because you will thank yourself in the long run I promise you that!

Until next time… x

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