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A word I want to block...

“Coronavirus” The word I wish I could permanently erase from my life. It seems to be the topic of every conversation, news headline and social media post - you can't escape it. We survived lockdown number one (proud of us because that was tough!) and now it’s been announced there’s potentially going to be a second from THURSDAY?!?!

It may just be me but that fills me with complete and utter dread with having to count down the days to freedom again. Not to miss out the fact I’m just about to come out of isolation from having the virus myself… I’ve already been inside for a month as it is! You have to laugh. To begin with I thought the first lockdown was really going to last two weeks and now I just look back and laugh as to how hopeful I was… so realistically this next one isn’t exactly going to last a month either is it?

It’s not the fact of having to stay inside that bothers me, I can do that quite easily with a good series to watch and stocked up on wine. It’s more the fact of being TOLD to stay indoors and my only freedom being going to work or uni which is not really my idea of fun…

What gets me through the bad days, is having something to look forwards to and work towards whether that be getting dressed up and going out for drinks with the girls, date night with the boyf or seeing family, without those little things to keep motivated it makes it hard. I am sure you know that feeling too. Right now the hope of life being back to some form of normal next summer is what is getting me through.

Just imagine this time next year we’ve had the best summers of our lives! Being able to see live music again - festivals, raves, concerts THE LOT! Catching the first plane to somewhere hot and feeling the sun on your skin… but most of all the fact of going out out and being able to dance the night away with your besties. Honestly even thinking of those moments gives me goose bumps! Again this might be me being naive again but it’s knowing that one day we will get back to normal that overall keeps me going and it should for you as well.

Although this was me having a little moan about not being able to leave the house again for a short while, just remember it’s okay to feel down and like life just isn’t right at the moment but you’ve got to remind yourself that things will get better and normality will resume in time. But until then remain positive and never feel scared to reach out loved ones if you’re really struggling or feel lonely and I am aways here to chat if you ever needed it.

Until next time… x

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