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Welcome Post...

Hello there and welcome to my blog.

I started up a blog last year and made a few posts but life got in the way. Balancing university deadlines with work responsibilities and making time for my friends and family seemed to take up more time than I thought. So here I am giving it another go... sticking at it this time I hope.

So maybe a little bit about me and why I am here? My names Imogen and I am currently 20 years old and studying Fashion Promotion at University in Manchester. When I first moved to Uni I was studying Events Management, however my heart didn't lie in with this subject so the following year I changed course to Fashion Promotion with the prospects to pursue a career in either fashion journalism or styling.

It is my plan to post weekly blogposts relating to all things fashion, beauty and lifestyle. My outfits, where I gain inspiration, where I shop amongst much, much more! This is going to be the main focus of this blog. However, I also am kind of obsessed with makeup and skincare products so I also wanted a section where I can talk to you about this. Lastly, I want there to be no filter here, no expectations, just transparency because nobody's life is insta perfect 24/7 lets be realistic. I want to talk about the good and bad of life, sharing with you my stories, and what I get up to from one day to the next.

I guess this is it for now, but I am so excited to start this journey and I hope you are too!

​Until next time... x

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